Bad Hair Day..

on 8/23/2005 11:16:00 PM
I had a really nice weekend, as we went phototaking, shopping, and then cooking at home. but today everything seemed so bleak...

At first it's really refreshing, the weather cooling as it jz stopped drizzling as i walk to class. then the class dismissed earlier, which was a nice surprise. I went home, and after passing dex some stuff, he went home and i as usual stuck myself at my com until 3pm. Yining came back and then we went to the sundry shop by bike to buy rice and other miscellanious stuff. Well, the first bomb came when i was home again, checking the announcements by my lecturers. Guess wat? i'm going to be barred if i dun see the lecturer and give him a valid reason. damn.. I did go for class every week! jz that i went for other lecturer's class, cos he's incomprehendable when he speaks. Damn MMU for bringing in those damn foreigners who can't even speak english with correct accent.. Damn! so i have to go see that lec tomorrow to stare at him imploring while giving my made up half-truth reasons.. shit.

When i wanted to go class at 6pm, i went out with my bike with Kristine coming along too. Suddenly, as we were jz few houses away, i felt that my bike's back tyre was abnormal. Shit. it's punctured! Damn! How could it get any worse?! so grudgingly, i have to drag it back home and walk to campus. Damn it.

Was really discouraged during class, as i dun have notes, but copied down everything on the slides nontheless. Then after class we went testing laptops for screening. Kristine was teaching Dex how to use Photoshop while i sat there staring with hollow eyes.. I can't get my mind off being barred.

Went back home for dinner at about 8pm, and i ate my meal in total silence.. sorry for making you guys feeling awkward cos me wasn't in a good mood that time >"<

Later on, i tried to shrug off the bleakness. Am still trying now.. Loo Mun was having major problem with her laptop.. well, at least my com's still ok. Hope that things will work well tomorrow..


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