
on 8/19/2005 12:48:00 AM
Damn.. tomorrow have to passup my lab assignment yet here i am, clueless and frustrated. I dunno wat to do with the stupid discussion part!! Damn!!! >"<

Besides, next week i have computer midterm on friday, and possibly saturday i'm going to have my Electronics, if not it's gonna be on monday!! i'm Doomed...

not to mention the mountain of assignment i have to do, some in groups while some individual.. i'm deadmeat. i can't even understand wat the questions in the assignment wanted. all i saw was the deadlines threatening me. how can i survive?! aaaaarrrrggghh.

扭曲的世界里.. 无尽的黑暗蔓延着, 吞噬人心, 散播绝望...

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