Home Sweet Home

on 2/05/2005 09:56:00 PM
Ah... After the crazy party, i was really exhausted but then my stuff were still unpacked. *bleh* Kristine was going out again as Alex and the rest wanted to have supper. I was too tired for that :P. So before going to bed, i tried to pack as much as i remembered to and then dropped dead at about 3sth in the morning.

Before long, i was waken up by Kristine and then got ready in a jiffy. My bus ride back home was at 9am so i was forced to get up early. Dragging myself along with my heavy luggage, Pat and Sharon and me took a taxi to the bus station.

We boarded the bus at 9 and only reached Taiping at 5pm!! it was such an interminable journey, which could be even worse if i was travelling alone. I'd bored myself to death if not for Sharon who chatted with me for the better half of the journey. Juicy gossips were shared and exclaimed in bewilderment while we chatted about our days before going to MMU. *sigh* time does fly pass in lightyear...

Talk about changes. There's a HQ comic shop in Taiping now!! Wohoo! i can use the card even during holidays now! Wee~ We drove pass my primary school and it looked new with the refurbished entrance with stainless steel gate. wow. There's this Guardian opened awhile ago and that 7-11 shop near the bus station. Then there's more pirated cd shops and new Internet cafes mushrooming all over... I can always see changes to my beloved home town everytime i come back. Felt a bit nostalgic. *sobsob* It's jz great to be home...

After dumping my dirty clothes into the washingmachine (all hail the great heavenly machine~) i went out for a bike ride. It was too good to be true... i'm on my old trusty motor again! The air felt totally different; it's so alive! I was instantly refreshed as the chilly air went pass me with joy~ I'm jz too happy i guess ^^

Well, that's it for my first day back home. gotta get sum dinner. *stomach grumbling* >///<"

1 Responses to Home Sweet Home

  1. Ymir Says:

    Bike + ride + freedom = enjoyment / bugs in teeth ...

    People who don't ride will never understand how good it is.


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