My current facial expression --> =_=|||

on 12/17/2004 12:01:00 AM
After seeing Ceyi's post only I knew that our full results are out. So, expecting my calculus to be less than an A, i hurriedly went to check mine. I was shocked. Followed by dismay. i can't believe it's not my calculus that killed my gpa... instead, the silent killer, the least i've expected, was E.n.g.l.i.s.h..


Darn it... it must be the grammar that got me dead. Darn!! it was really a shock to me... i practically gawked at the monitor screen willing it to flicker and refresh, then turn my results back to my expected ones.. Sob. It didn't. The reality gave me 2 hard slaps in my face and finally dawn on my that i got less than an A for my English, which i had easily finished in a flash during the exam...

*taking deep breaths*

Okay. at least i got an A for my Calculus. Really surprised. A good sort of surprise, not like the other one... *gulps*
easy,easy... i will not faint, i will not faint...murmur,murmur...

Last trimester was a disaster.(hey, it rhyms!)*slaps myself*
okay. i'll jz have to do better this tri. resolution with rewards... that will get me going, hopefully.

I'm going to KL today at 3.30pm. Then, tomorrow i'll be watching the chinese orchestra competition that my school's took part in. Really hope that they can maintain being the best this year. heh.. let's not get my hopes too high. After that i'll be going back to Melacca, to the dreaded lectures and studying... >_<"

Let's hope for the best then. God, give me strength...*dying*

1 Responses to My current facial expression --> =_=|||

  1. Siew Says:

    Argh!! I got screwed bt english too... Every trimester must have one bytch to ruin my results!! Arg!! !@#$%^&

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