Pain in the Back

on 8/01/2009 04:43:00 PM
I've just updated the last post with more pictures after coming back from the clinic in town. My back has been having this annoying bruising pain since I came back from MMU at the end of May. I've been doing stretching, jogging and a little thigh exercise to hopefully shake off some weight, but instead I guess I've strained my back spine/muscle. Nice move, Lisa. Sigh.

My Godmother had tried to massage the pain off my back but to no avail. So I went to the doc's this morning to get a number, return in the afternoon, waited again for about 40 minutes for my turn (the most popular doctor in town) and got out after 5 minutes of diagnosis. Bought with RM25, these are the colorful candies I have to eat 3 times a day for 2 weeks to hopefully cure the ache.

And here's Hiro feeling as dead as I do, cos my Godmother had went to KL without him.

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